+91 9898457997

Microproccesor Controlled

Microproccesor Controlled

SSI COD Digestion Unit gives unique space saving, ease of operation and cost saving technique forthe determination of Chemicals Oxygen Demand.
It is a solid block heated unit with provision for 15 samples to be digested at a time in 40 mm dia reaction vessels. All the samples are heated at 150C within + 1 % accuracy through a MICROPROCESSOR BASED PID DIGITAL 8.8.1. 53 (C) I TEMPERATURE INDICATOR CUM CONTROLLER. Special type of insulation ensures minimum heat loss thereby saving on electrical energy.


(1) COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION: Compact design requires minimum space.

(2) NO NEED FOR WATER CIRCULATION: Air condensers with 60 cm height are used.

(3) MORE NUMBER OF SAMPLES: With provision of 15 samples the space saving is tremendous.

(4) MINIMUM NUMBER OF GLASS WARE: The only glass item used in this apparatus is reaction vessels and air condensers, which even when broken ae not expensive to replace.

(5) LESS POWER CONSUMPTION: It works on 230 volts, 1000 watts, well designed with high efficiency temprature control and insulation with 15 samples a! a time. Electricity required per sample is considerably reduced.

(6) EASE OF OPERATION: As you are following conventional COD analysis, the same chemicals are added with same proportion. Then simplyfill the reaction vessels and insert them in the block.

(7) YOU HAVE THE OPTION: Calorimetry or titration. After digestion for 2 Hrs. at 150C you can use either calorimeter or convetional titration method for analysis. Both the methods have been studied an you can select the mothod as per you choice or as required by the type of sample. The range is from 0 to 500 ppm without dilution. Further samples can be cheeked with appropriate dilution.

(8) STURDY DESIGN: The equipment uses minimum number of parts with highest reliability. It will hardly require any maintenance.

(9) DIGITAL MINUTE TIMER WITH BUZZER: Is provided to indicate completion of refluxing.

(10) METHOD: Standard 20 ml samples size is used with all the chemicals.

(11) SET OF GLASSWARES : 15 sets of reaction vessels and air condenser are supplied with the unit.